Find answers to our customers most frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the cost? 

There are no subscription fees to use The system is free to search, free to list and free to submit RFQs.

Can I lease my tooling via Tooling.Aero

You bet! Chances are you're already lending and borrowing tools with other shop and maintenance centers on a weekly, if not daily, basis.'s leasing pool is a great way for companies to eliminate the hassle lending and borrowing tools, not to mention the fact your tooling will generate additional revenue for your company?

Can I sell my tooling via Tooling.Aero

Absolutely! If you have tooling you'd like to sell, simply send your information to [email protected]. Be sure to include part number, description, quantity, condition, sale price for each item and any notes if necessary. We'll take it from there to help you sell your equipment.

Does Tooling.Aero buy used tooling?

Yes we do! We are always in the market to purchase new or used tooling. If you have tooling you'd like to sell, please send the details to [email protected].

How can I keep track of tooling in the leasing pool?

Our new Tooling Management System (coming soon) helps participating companies know what is: Available for lease, Blocked from being leased, Lease Start Dates and End Dates, Lease Rates per Part Number, Past Due, In route back to the customer, The AWB Tracking, and In process of recertification.

Does your leaded tools come caliberated?

Yes. If the tool needs to be calibrated before you receive it, it will be calibrated.

What platforms does Tooling.Aero support?

We support tooling for most engine and airframe platforms: Airbus, ATR, Boeing, Bombardier, CRJ, Embraer, CFM, IAE, GE, Pratt & Whitney or Rolls Royce. Don't see the platform that you're needing tooling for? No worries, simply send us a request and we'll do our best to get you the tooling you need.

Tooling.Aero offers a wide range of services for MROs and Airlines

Discover all available solutions from leasing, to buying, selling, leasing pool, and tooling programs.

Tooling.Aero specializes in providing a wide range of tooling for an assortment of companies within the aviation industry.

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